East Mercia Methodist Circuit Logo Link
burton latimer

Burton Latimer Methodist Church,

Duke Street, NN15 5SG


Reverend Noel Nhariswa

Lay Worker:

Growth and Nurture Support Worker – Clare Pickering

You will find a warm and friendly welcome awaiting you; a place where you may worship freely and find God's presence. We are a small church with 18 members and have recently amalgamated with Central Methodist Church (Kettering) to form one church worshipping in two places.

  • We believe that God offers his Love to all people of all ages and of all races.
  • This love is demonstrated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God's Son, whom we meet in the pages of the Bible and can be experienced in our everyday lives.
  • We believe Jesus calls us to follow him, and his way, personally in our lives, and gives us the strength and gifts of the Holy Spirit to help us.
  • We are committed to personal/corporate prayer in all aspects of our faith and witness.
  • We believe we are called to share our knowledge of Jesus with others so that our families, friends, neighbours and casual acquaintances may be encouraged to follow Jesus for themselves.
  • We seek to be the home of the family of Jesus Christ where all who come are welcomed, supported, and encouraged to respond to God, in Jesus, who forgives and leads us.


SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP (Currently the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month):

Traditional worship at 10:30 am

MESSY CHURCH: an all-age activity-based worship:

At Burton Latimer, we have Messy Church on the first Sunday of the month at 4pm and this is well attended.

The 1st Burton Latimer Girls' Brigade also meet here on a Monday evening.


Helping girls and young women explore and engage with real life and Christian faith in fun, informative and hopeful ways (Monday evenings during term time)


  • Duke Street Pre-School (Monday to Friday)
  • Redeemed Christian Church of God (Sunday 12:00 – 2:00 pm).

We strive to engage with our members and the wider community via our website and facebook pages.

We plan to grow our membership through our regular and varied worship program, as well as through community fellowship events such as coffee mornings.

© 2025 – East Mercia Methodist Circuit