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Market Harborough Methodist Church

Northampton Road, LE16 9HE


Reverend Andy Murphy

Market Harborough Methodist Church is a church that cares about showing God's love, care and hospitality to each other and the community around us. We are an eco-church with a passion for social justice, fair trade and good stewardship of all God's resources. We have a long history of involvement with our community in mission, outreach, youthwork, and we work with the Churches Together in Harborough in various initiatives. We rejoice in being an inclusive church where all are welcome to come and grow with us, exploring the love of God together.

The church has a membership of over 100 people, and a regular congregation of 70-80 people attending worship every Sunday at 10.15am. We regularly welcome new people and receive new members, and children of all ages are very welcome.

The Methodist Church Centre in Market Harborough is situated opposite the market hall, just a short stroll from the town centre and the River Welland. It is made up of two buildings and plenty of rooms which are extensively used by various groups for all ages in the community. We also have good links with several local schools.

We are a church that prioritizes the nurture and growth of people in the Christian faith. We have a Growth & Nurture Support Worker – Melissa Wheeler, who works alongside our minister, Rev. Andy Murphy in the care and encouragement of people, both new and established. And we have a number of small groups supporting one another in prayer, bible study and fellowship – which we call ' Good Soil '.

We like to celebrate every season of the year and life in all its fullness: births and baptisms, Christian commitment, weddings and parties, and thanking God for our loved ones at the end of their earthly lives. Please do feel free to contact the Minister, Andy Murphy, about Baptism (Christenings, and all ages), Weddings and Blessings, Confirmation and Membership of the Church, Funeral arrangements, or if you would simply like to talk about the Christian faith.

We are proud to be licenced for Christian weddings, including same-sex marriage ceremonies.

Our services are live-streamed on a Sunday morning, and you can find us on our YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/marketharboroughmethodists

You can read our weekly notices here: Market Harborough Methodist Church Notices for Sunday 28th July 2024.

Contact details:

Minister: Rev. Andy Murphy 01858 462889

Growth & Nurture Support Worker: Mel Wheeler 01858 463972

Room Bookings: Shirley Hales 01858 462077; mhmethodistbookings@gmail.com
For more information (size of rooms etc), see our Room Hire page

Safeguarding: Sue Walters (Circuit Officer) 07840 944500

Regular Church Events:

Sunday Worship, 10.15am every Sunday. Everyone welcome!

Coffee Morning, 10.00 – 11.45am every Tuesday. Everyone welcome!

Fishes – Sunday School for children of school age, as part of our Sunday Worship. For more details contact Mel Wheeler.

Stay, Play & Weigh – Parent-and-toddler/baby group. 10.00 – 12noon on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. We have a lively group already, and newcomers are always welcome!

Pizza Club – Youth club for young people in years 4-9. For more details contact Rev. Andy Murphy. Roughly fortnightly – see dates in service times above.

© 2024 – East Mercia Methodist Circuit