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Useful Links

Here are some links you may find useful:

The Methodist Church ( https://www.methodist.org.uk/ )
Northampton Methodist District ( https://www.northamptonmethodistdistrict.org.uk/ )

Neighbouring Methodist Circuits:

(ordered clockwise from the north)
Leicester West ( https://www.leicesterwestmethodist.org.uk/ )
Leicester Trinity ( https://www.leicestertrinitycircuit.org.uk/ )
Melton Mowbray ( https://www.meltonmethodist.org.uk/welcome.htm )
Stamford ( https://www.stamfordmethodistcircuit.org/ )
Peterborough ( https://www.peterboroughmethodistcircuit.org/ )
Nene Valley (awaiting up to date link)
Northampton ( https://methodist-churches-northampton.org.uk/ )
Banbury ( https://banburycircuit.org.uk/pages/ )
South Warwickshire ( https://www.methodist-swc.org.uk/ )
Coventry and Nuneaton ( https://www.covnunmethodist.org.uk/ )
Hinkley ( https://hinckleymethodistcircuit.org.uk/ )

All these circuits are part of Northampton Methodist District except
South Warwickshire and Coventry and Nuneaton, which are part of Birmingham Methodist District ( https://birminghammethodist.org.uk/ )


Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse ( https://www.iicsa.org.uk/ )

Methodist Churches in the Circuit with their own websites / FaceBook pages:

Bilton Methodist Church ( http://www.biltonmethodist.org.uk/ )
Burton Latimer Methodist Church ( http://www.blmchurch.co.uk/ ) (website)
Burton Latimer FaceBook ( https://www.facebook.com/BurtonLatimerMethodistChurch )
Daventry Methodist Church (website) ( http://www.daventrymethodist.org/ )
Daventry Methodist Church (FaceBook) ( www.facebook.com/daventrymethodist )
Daventry Methodist Church (Twitter) ( www.twitter.com/DavMethodist )
Hillmorton Paddox Methodist Church (website) ( https://www.paddoxmethodistchurch.org.uk/welcome.htm )
Hillmorton Paddox Methodist Church (facebook) ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/318163768278658 )
Rugby Methodist Church Centre (website) ( www.rugbymethodist.org.uk )
Rugby Methodist Church Centre (FaceBook) ( https://www.facebook.com/rugbymethodist )
St Giles, Desborough ( https://www.stgilesdesborough.org/ )
The Chapel, Newbold (FaceBook) ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/thechapelnewbold )
Making Connexions Project (FaceBook) ( https://www.facebook.com/elmermakingconnexions )

Other organisations associated with the Methodist Church

Dignity and Worth : This is the site of Methodists committed to the full dignity and worth of every person, whatever their sexuality or gender identity, committed to creating a Church and society where no-one is made to feel ashamed or second-class because of who they are or who they love. ( https://dignityandworth.org.uk/ )

Inclusive Church : Inclusive Church is a network of churches, groups and individuals uniting together around a shared vision, – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. ( https://www.inclusive-church.org/ )

MHA : As the largest charity care provider for older people in the UK, we offer some of the highest quality care, accommodation and support services throughout Britain. Our mission is to inspire the best care and wellbeing at every stage of later life. ( https://www.mha.org.uk/about )

Action for Children : We protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support. We ensure their voices are heard, and campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives. ( https://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/ )

British Methodist Youth Choir (BYMC) : Sacred or Secular, BMYC sings the words with feeling and passion. Concerts are often joyful or moving. The choir is made up of 14 to 30 year old Christians, but not exclusively Methodists. BMYC travels around the UK visiting Methodist Churches performing concerts and contributing to services. ( https://www.bmyc.info/ )

Other websites can be found by going to the Methodist Church website / other Methodist websites and scrolling down the page. ( https://www.methodist.org.uk/about-us/connect/other-methodist-websites/ )

© 2025 – East Mercia Methodist Circuit