School Street, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9AT
Reverend Diane Bussey and Revd Nathan Falla
Long Lawford Methodist Church is a small church, in a fast growing "urban village" close to the cement works in Rugby.
Through the ecumenical Light House project with the Church of England, the church reaches out in amazing ways to the community. Working closely with the local school and community association it has a good reputation and outreach into all areas – Our aim is to follow Jesus, offering adventurous Faith, Hope and Love, so that we put church back, where it belongs, at the centre of a thriving, caring community.
Funding to support the church, the project and its mission comes from the generous support of its members and the OFSTED approved wrap around childcare it operates in conjunction with the local school. The income from this funds a part time role working with young parents and children and running a mums and tots groups, and also to offer use of our building, free, for a community post office and a youth club, delivered by professionals from the local council. Other activities, include coffee mornings, buddy club (a social meeting place), job club, and a community foodbank
The church views its community activity as mission in that it enables a network of contacts (circa 500+) whom while not being members, are very willing to be invited to more evangelistic events, such as "parties" to mark the special events of a Christian year – for instance circa 200 attended the Palm Sunday fun day, 80 the church carol service.
God is building His church in Long Lawford and membership has grown from a faithful 6 in 2016 to 41 people, 3 cats, 2 dogs and numerous bunnies. – we long for Him to do it quicker! – maybe not the bunnies. The worship style is relaxed and uses contemporary sung worship led by our worship group.
Mission through loving the community is the tangible output of the church, its engine room is worship fuelled by prayer, lit by a desire to know and follow Jesus.
We meet together in the church every Sunday at 10:30am for worship – All are welcome to join us as we meet to pray, worship and learn more about our awesome God. Dates and times of our services can be found on the header of this page.
We also have a number of events throughout the week:
07716 185395
East Mercia Methodist Circuit
Rugby Methodist Church Centre
Russelheim Way
CV22 7TB
Registered Charity no. 1132523