Lower Street, Desborough, NN14 2NP
Reverend Noel Nhariswa and Reverend Andy Murphy
This Anglican/Methodist LEP was formed 53 years ago. Worship takes place in the ancient, beautiful, parish church. All fellowship meetings are held in the adjoining Methodist hall, known as St Giles Community Centre. All of the premises are well-maintained. The Church has recently been awarded the Bronze Eco Church award.
The ordained team comprises: Rector, Assistant Priest, and Methodist Minister. These are complemented by varying lay ministries. Worship ranges from the very traditional said mid-week Holy Communion to rocking all-age with a vibrant worship band, and everything else in between. A 'Darkness to Light' service and other events throughout the year reach out to the bereaved, led by our Bereavement Supporter.
Scouting and Guiding meet in the Community Centre, alongside a Junior Church, Mini Church, Messy Church and Tiny Tots groups. A number of fellowship groups meet throughout the month, and there are weekly coffee mornings and a Wellbeing café. The centre is rarely empty.
The church organises three key town outreach events: a Christmas Tree Festival (100+ entries), a Flower Festival and springtime 'Basket and Barrows Festival'. The War Memorial gardens are opposite the Community Centre. The church is an important presence at Remembrance and other national memorial events.
Revive Café is a Christian café on the High Street managed by representatives of churches in Desborough. Relying on volunteer church members, the staff team offer a place of care and refreshment. The current Methodist Superintendent is the vice-chair and co-ordinates outreach events at the Café.
07716 185395
East Mercia Methodist Circuit
Rugby Methodist Church Centre
Russelheim Way
CV22 7TB
Registered Charity no. 1132523