The aim of 'Good Soil' is to help us think more about how we are growing in faith, and growing in fellowship with one another. We are producing a series of resources for us to use at home, in small groups, pairs, families, or simply to work through alone when we need to. These will add to our Sunday worship and reflections with some ways to explore further in fellowship and faith.
We see our purpose here as being to provide the 'Good Soil' where people can grow in faith, and we hope that our church will continue more and more to become a place where different people of all backgrounds can find a nurturing and caring environment.
General resources for participants and group leaders:
Our latest series of Circuit resources for small groups, published fortinghtly are available on the main Good Soil page.
Our fourth season of 'Good Soil' is a short series on Faith, Hope and Love.
In our third season of 'Good Soil' we are thinking about how we put our faith into action. What is our loving response to God? How can we be good stewards of our time, talents, treasure and territory?
Please see below for the second season of 'Good Soil' on 'Growing with God', looking at the Holy Spirit and the means of grace.
Please see below for the first season of 'Good Soil'.
07716 185395
East Mercia Methodist Circuit
Rugby Methodist Church Centre
Russelheim Way
CV22 7TB
Registered Charity no. 1132523