On the evening of Sunday 11th February it was wonderful for the Circuit to gather together to worship at St Giles LEP in Desborough. The assembled congregation lifted their voices in worship led by the St Giles Worship Band augmented with other musicians from the Circuit. The theme of the service was celebrating mission in the work place.
It was amazing to hear three testimonies of how God was at work in the workplace. Sarah spoke about her experience as a paramedic (she started her training after several God nudges) and how her faith was important to her and made a real difference. Emily passionately spoke about her identity being in Christ as a trainee anaesthetist and intensive care registrar and the positive impact that her rootedness in Christ has had in her training and her practice as a doctor. Kayleigh shared reflections of the Leadership Year(for 18-30 year olds) that she is currently experiencing.
It was an inspirational act of worship which concluded with tea and coffee with pancakes freshly made by the Revds Andrew Farrington and Nathan Falla.
07716 185395
East Mercia Methodist Circuit
Rugby Methodist Church Centre
Russelheim Way
CV22 7TB
Registered Charity no. 1132523